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Turkey Tuesday: The Aftermath

Many of you read (and commented) on our Turkey Tragedy last week.

I thought I’d provide a little update today.

My hubby, in true farmer fashion, picked himself up and dusted himself off almost immediately.  I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have gotten out of bed Thursday morning, but he and the neighbor kids were out there at 6 to pick up dead birds.  He realizes that there is nothing he can do it about it now, but he still comments on it from time to time.  “Sure wish we hadn’t lost all those birds.”

The final count was 1425, less than we thought, but still a lot.

Normally, 85-90% of a flock live long enough to go to market.  Before last Wednesday, we had 94% livability with 5 weeks to go.  Great numbers.  After Wednesday night, it dropped to 86%.  85% is generally what we need to break even.  With 5 weeks left, and the normal loss we’ll face over that time, there’s no way we’ll get that 85%.


Since then, we’ve had a few more really hot days, but nothing like last Wednesday.  These birds are scheduled to go to market Aug. 22, and we are praying that they do well until then.


Thanks for all your support and caring comments last week!  We really appreciate it!

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  1. I'll pray right along with you. I certainly hope all goes well from here on out.

  2. I woke up today thinking about you and all those birds for some reason. Sending prayers your family's way.

  3. Keep your chins up. You will continue to be in our prayers and thoughts.

  4. I'm sending prayers and good vibes for those turkeys!

  5. One day at a time is what I am sure you guys live by when waiting for your August date.

  6. Thoughts and prayers of cooler weather coming your way! Glad to hear it wasn't as bad as you initially thought.

  7. I will say a little prayer.


  8. Sending prayers and cool breezes your way. :-)

  9. Katie, I don't know HOW i missed that post last week....I just read over it and am so sorry to hear about your flock. I can only imagine how your husband must have felt. You are in our thoughts!

  10. Wow, Katie, I can't believe it. I hadn't joined your blog before Sat and I had no idea that happened. I am so sorry. I can just imagine Bart running back and forth trying to save those birds. None of us can control the weather. I am praying for you and your family. I am so grateful for families that work so hard to bring us food at the market.
    Hopefully you won't lose much more. I'll pray for a miracle!!!

  11. Keeping my fingers crossed for cooler weather - and actually praying for your turkeys too : ) It takes so much to raise food to the table, I am very grateful for people like you who have the determination to see it through.

  12. I'll add my prayers to the mix. We're always either praying for more or less rain, depending on what stage of farming my dad is in. You are a good Mom, too--I read your article below, but I'm a speech-language pathologist, and I'll tell you, just the fact that you're aware of all that research means you're keeping a close eye on your child. Good for you, and don't sweat and hour here or there of Bob the Builder. Dora the Explorer was once a big part of our lives. :)

  13. So sorry to hear about the turkeys I feel terrible to loose one calf. It is hard to loose an animal but that many is a tragedy. You will be in my prayers

  14. OH Katie, I didn't know!!! I'm so sorry. That is horrible and I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is for you guys right now. Thinking of you guys and sending big hugs...

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's for Dinner

  15. I really had a hard time commenting on this post, because I truely felt your pain. Praying for you and your family.
