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Happy Birthday, Adam

My little guy turns two today.

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Does there ever come a time where you can believe that…

…that amazing child is really yours?

…YOUR child is really that smart, funny, and cute?

…____ years have gone by since you brought him home from the hospital?


I haven’t done his video for this year, yet, so I’m showing you last year’s.  I went through all of his videos from the first year of life and compiled them into a tear-jerking, 7 minute montage, and then showed it at his birthday party.  It was a huge hit, especially with his grandparents, who watched it over and over, crying for days.  Now, Adam loves watching “Baby Abba” (and so do I!)

I love this little guy!  Happy Birthday, Adam!

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  1. Oh! that is the sweetest thing ever!! sending your little man happy birthday wishes : )

  2. So cute! Happy birthday, Adam! Before my son was born I got tired of the "It passes so fast!" and "Enjoy it while it lasts!" comments from everyone. Now I find it's SO TRUE!

  3. adorable!! happy birthday, big guy! here's wishing the rest of your years are filled with as much joy and discovery as the first two years!

  4. Love it. That Mama at the end was just precious. Happy Birthday Adam!

  5. Happy Birthday Adam. I hope you show this to him when he has a two year old. Nothing is better than a momma's love!

  6. aaawww.. so adorable.. Happy Birthday.. God bless!!

  7. Awwww...how sweet is that?? Good talking to you today! :)

  8. Awww, how cute! A big Happy Birthday to Adam! :)

  9. That was the sweetest video!Your little guy is adorable! I got teary eyed...our little one is over 4 and I can't believe how fast time goes, she is so big now.
