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The Fourth

We usually have a big family picnic, with a whiffle ball game and lots of grilled goodies, including corn on the cob, but not this year. :(


It rained. all. day.  AND, the normal picnic hosts were gone.  So, Sunday night, we went over for steak at my parents.  Fun, but not the fourth.  We were planning to head into town for fireworks but they were postponed because of the rain. Double :(


So, Monday night, we got groceries and then settled in to our usual spot to watch the show.  I have NO pictures of fireworks, but I did manage to get a couple shots of the pre-show entertainment. :)


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  1. Sorry your 4th of July got rained out, but at least you got to celebrate on the 5th. Thankfully we had good weather for both the 4th and the 5th as we celebrated with my family on the 4th and my husband's family on the 5th.

    Great pictures by the way!

  2. Sorry for the rain. Love the pictures.

  3. So sweet.....your little guy is adorable! The Fourth was pretty slow for us this year too...rain...and pooped kids who fell asleep at 7. We'll keep our fingers crossed for next year!

  4. Sounds like you made lemonade out of lemons... Love the pics. We had some scheduling conflicts and not a sparkler or firework was seen... ahh well ;)

  5. I love your sparkler pictures! Very cool. Hurricane Alex ruined all of the fireworks down here. Almost every city canceled their firework shows.

  6. Such cute pics. I'm sure those sparklers made a big impression on your little man.
