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Farkle Sparkle

When my brother was little, he had a pet frog that he found outside and named Farkle Sparkle.


He let Farkle Sparkle go free, but that cute little frog came back to say “Hi” every year.

Yes, every year, Farkle Sparkle came hopping up onto the patio, much to little Brett’s delight.


Well, Farkle Sparkle has found a new home at our house.

That’s right, Adam met Farkle Sparkle for the first time the other day.


And not only did Farkle Sparkle move 15 miles over to my house, but he brought the neighbor’s cat and became a toad, too!


Crazy stuff, huh?

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  1. oh i love farkle sparkle! he is so cute! so glad adam got to meet him, or some incarnation of him!

  2. He (Farkle) obviously adores you to take that 15 mile trek to new surroundings. Of course, those are pretty cushy digs in the garden of the lost soles.

  3. You are kidding me! Every year? The same toad? UNBELIEVABLE!

    I can't even believe it. Crazy.

  4. Don't you just love the names kids give things? They usually make great sense.
    This is beautiful. I'm curious about your Garden of the lost Soles.

  5. I would love to hear how he got his name. Wasn't there a cleaning spray with the same one? Too funny. Don't you just love watching kids discover nature?

  6. Oh so cute. I'd also love to hear how he got his name ;)

  7. What a great name, farkle sparkle. My pets always had lame names like Joey oh and the ever creative Joey 2.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  8. OH and yes you could make a gazillion meatballs and freeze them! Great idea.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  9. Hi there! I finally figured out how to make it easy to subscribe to my blog via RSS... go check it out now and you'll see the spot to subscribe right there on the front page! Took me awhile, but I got it ;)

  10. haha! Farkle Sparkle!:)

    Love your home-and your paint projects...and your blog!

  11. Too cute...I am also curious about the Garden! :)

  12. What a stinkin cute name! I love the pictures!

  13. Hey girl, just found your blog and it's wicked unique! I'm a sucker for decorating and re-doing our first home as well!

    Stop by One Fine Wire and check it out some time! I'd love to see you there!

    So nice to meet you!
