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Uh oh. Now what?

This garden bench was a free hand-me-down from hubby’s grandparents.  It’s seen some better days, and def. needed some work.


I debated painting the whole thing, but then just decided to restain it.  I washed it with the hose and used regular old minwax.


I was using a paint brush, so somebody else wanted to paint, too.  I let him “paint” with water on his bench.  I missed the photo op, but I turned around at one point to see him sucking water out of the paintbrush.  That was the same day that he licked the nasty inside of the dishwasher as I was loading it.


So anyway, after I stained it, it looks like this.  Dirty.  Maybe I should have tried to get to bare wood first?  I dunno.  But I don’t like it.  So what do you think?  Paint the whole thing black?  Paint the wood a different color?  Try with the stain again?  Any ideas?


Furniture Feature Fridays

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  1. I actually think the patina is great! If it isn't your style and you want it stained and "clean", then you probably need to sand each piece down to the wood. I have a similar bench with chippy blue paint. Not my favorite, but I haven't figured out what to do with it either.

  2. I am shaking my head at the thought of your kid licking the paint brush and the dishwasher. I was afraid by looking at the picture he might lick the cat or paint it. Ahhh... crazy times. (you can tell I don't have kids when things like this freak me out.) :)

  3. Loved your little helper!! I say toss some COLOR on the wood if you don't like it now....of course, I'm seldom brave enough to do that MYSELF, but I always love the look when other people do it! :)

  4. Ohhh why don't you paint it white and then sand off for a faux old finish? I love that look.

    As for the kiddo... I can TOTALLY relate.

  5. ...licking the inside of the dishwasher. Oh man, that took me back a few years. So funny! I'd probably paint, but I have paint cans permanently stuck to my hands these days.

  6. Haha! LOVE your little helper! :) I'm more of a classic/traditional style -- so I would have to say paint it white -- white with the black iron -- ahhhh! :)

  7. I just saw a bench like that at the Farm Chicks show that was all painted white (even the iron) and then distressed, it looked great!


  8. Your little painter/helper is a darling and sounds so normal. If you like the white distressed look, that would be my suggestion, too. I love that look, so it would certainly work in my yard. Be sure to use an exterior paint, though.
    Hugs, Cindy S

  9. Nice job! I have one just like it that my husband picked up for free. He has to rebuild the slats before staining/painting.
    Hey! I found a link to your blog (and mine too!) on a RUSSIAN website. I’m sending the site and I also translated it with Babelfish translator. Thought you might get a kick out of this. Too funny!

