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Lawn Chair Makeover

A quick little B&A.

These chairs have a lot of meaning for me.  My mom had a set of four on our patio at home, but gave them to my aunt (her sister) because she’d been looking for a something like this.

I found these two at a garage sale a few years ago.  My aunt has the 4 that used to be at my parents.

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They definitely needed a little sprucing up, though.  Nothing a can of black spray paint and some outdoor fabric (that I’ve had for years) couldn’t fix!

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Now, I’d really like 4 more.  Aunt Rosie?  Are you listening?  Just kidding.  They’re perfect in her space and I’d never try to steal them from her…well, almost never.


But anyway, there is a junk shop near me that has had a set of 5 in their yard for years.  Stopped there Friday and they want $30 a chair!  NO, THANK YOU!!!  I told them they were not worth that much, because the seats were completely rotted out, so I am waiting to hear back from the owner (who wasn’t there Friday) so we can do some haggling.  Wish me luck!  I get nervous in these situations. :)

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  1. They look fabulous, Katie!! Good luck in your haggling! :)

  2. Love the makeover you did! That sassy red fabric is perfect!

  3. Good luck! And if Aunt Rosie has an Aunt Rosie with a couple more, I'd love to have them ;) So cool!

  4. Oh, I hope you are able to get them. That would be great! Don't get nervous. All they can say is no and then you can just keep hunting.

  5. Those are so cute. Good luck talking the owner down. $30 is way too much.

  6. I really like those chairs, and while 4 might be preferred, 2 with a little bistro table would be perfect! You've done a great job restoring them. FAB!!

    Thanks for stopping by DesignTies yesterday... by all means, copy away!! ;-)

  7. I love that chair redo...so happy and bright now...yes you do need more "Aunt Rosie"!~

  8. It looks brand new now! Loving the red cushion too.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower! <3
