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Dinner on the Patio

We had our first dinner on our Charleston-inspired patio the other day – turkey fajitas in my favorite Pampered Chef baker.

You get some closeup shots because I’m not done accessorizing (or planting grass in the surrounding areas!)

buffalo plaid table cloth

patio outdoor room


pampered chef covered baker


The table cloths are meant for beds – the buffalo plaid is a bedskirt that coordinates with the red toile pillow shams I used as place mats.  I have had that bedding set for years, and the color and palm-tree toile pattern remind me of Charleston because in our hotel room, there was a white matelasse bedspread with one burgundy pillow, and a burgundy toile chair.

The chenille bedspread came from my mom’s house.  It is lightweight, and has a thread of silver running down each row, giving it a little sparkle.

The chairs were my mom's. (Similar black metal chairs here. )

We’ve been battling RAIN the last two weeks, but we finally got grass seed planted Saturday.  And even with all this rain, our toesies are staying dry on our way to the house!  That was our biggest reason for putting in the walkway and I’m so happy that it’s working, since our old sidewalk created a lot of puddles to jump over!

Now, we had a little problem with the bugs when we were out there – any tips that actually work and won’t endanger our kiddo or dog?

Shared at Saturday Night Special