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Really super busy today, but I have some random thoughts I’d like to throw out there…
-I like to use exclamation points and question marks together as punctuation.  Especially in sentences that begin or end with, “don’tchathink?!?!?” or “isn’t it?!?!”  Like, “Isn’t it a beautiful day?!?!”  or “Can you believe it?!?!?”
-Running sucks.  And my body hurts.
-Schools out, but I still feel really busy.  Why does that happen?

-Going to post sometime in the next few days about:
    1. A way to keep Adam from mixing all the water colors when he’s painting.
    2. My new patio.
    3. The mistake I made on our garden bench.
    4. Veggie garden.
    5. Annie’s Project
    6. How I organized my craft cabinet
    7. The bugs that live in my house
But first, I have to wash some laundry because my husband is out of clean underwear.

Later, dudettes.
The Girl Creative

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  1. Just the title of your post made me laugh! :) On the diaper coupons, check coupons.com regularly. Plus, check thefrugalgirls.com...they have lots of links to coupons and deal alerts. Ex: if there's a Rite Aid near you and you can still print one of those $3 coupons, you can get a pack of Huggies for $3.99!! (sale price: $8.99 - $3 coupon - $2 single check rebate). :)

  2. Wow Katie ~ Thats quite a list!
    Darn laundry keeps getting in my way too!

  3. You crack me up... interesting list of future posts. Can't wait!

    Now why did you go and have to make me feel guilty about the laundry?!?! Lol.

  4. I love using the ?!?! combination! Make him do his own laundry! haha!

  5. I am also a lover of combined random punctuation. And ellipsis...I just randomly add them.

    Go to walmart and buy new underwear, screw doing laundry.

    Give Adam one color of water color:)

  6. Aw, I really love this post! Definitely can relate to the laundry bit, and it definitely made me smile! :) -shaunna

  7. You sure the hubs couldn't just "make do"!?!? (You're not the only one with the overuse of question marks and exclamation points.) I'm really anxious to hear about your garden, patio, bench & bugs!

  8. I found you through New Friend Friday and am glad I did. I have a habit of using.............to make my points. Have a good week-end!

  9. Hi there! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment!

    I looke forward to reading your blog and getting to know you!
