When we built our turkey buildings, there were all kinds of huge, gorgeous rocks that appeared during the dirt work. And we asked the construction company to leave them for us. And they loaded them up and took them away. Stinkers.
But we still had this one. :)
So late Sunday afternoon, my husband loaded it up using the
He took out the “triangle garden.”
And moved the rock into place.
We’re going to put our last name, with Est. 2006 on the rock. I’m going to use black Patio Paint and paint it on.
(By the way, see my house’s black eye? You can actually see it from the highway, .4 mile away. Classy, huh? Unfortunately, siding is a 2 man job and 1 man (hubby) is very busy. Someday…)
In the mean time, Adam Bomb and I worked on this mess. This is what’s leftover from ONE of the THREE large areas of our yard that we had to dig up last fall. This is one is from a water line. See the blue flags in the picture above? That’s where the water meter will go, conveniently in the lee of the rock. :)
So I raked and Adam picked up rocks. He was a pretty good little helper.
After the rocks were picked up well enough to get the hubby’s approval. We spread some grass seed. I used a big cup to spread it around, and Adam helped with that, too. He was actually pretty good at shaking it out of the cup and spreading it! The whole time, he said, “I poe, I poe,” and we thought it meant, “I pour.” But he hasn’t stopped saying it, and says it anytime he wants to do something by himself. Weirdo.
And in the end, we had this:
Not great, but it is an improvement!
And our lilac is budding. I can’t wait for it to bloom!