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Mommy of the Year Award!

So, my family has been getting a big kick out of this story, so I thought I better document it.


One morning last week, I had to take a Creative Memories order to work with me.  So I threw the big box in the front seat, started the car, and went back in to get Adam.

Brought him out, buckled him in, and noticed that the thermometer on the car said –8.  Brrr…code.

I threw my purse on the passenger seat next to the box and started down the road.  We made it the .4 mile to the highway with Adam saying, “Brrr.  Brrr. Mama, code.  Code.  Sow (snow), sow, brrr, code,” the whole way. 

I gave my usual response, “I know baby, I know it’s cold.  It will warm up soon.”

He continued complaining, so I turned around to check and see if he’d taken off his mittens.  And, that’s when I noticed his window was rolled down.  Oops!  Luckily, we weren’t going very fast yet, but does it matter when it’s –8 actual temperature?


So how in the world does a 19 month old roll down his window?  He doesn’t.  The window “buttons” are in the middle of the car by the shifter.  When I threw my purse in the car, apparently it decided to roll down Adam’s window.  Why I didn’t notice earlier, I have no idea. 


(Not my car, but very similar.  Image from Motor Trend.)

Like I said, my family has been getting a big kick out of this.  I didn’t think it was funny at the time, but now I guess, it makes me chuckle a bit.  And since I posted it to my facebook status, I’ve been getting comments at the gas station like, “Does it get cold in there with the windows down?”

But we all win Mommy of the Year at some point, right?  I’m sure this is the first of many for me. :)


And now here’s a pic of my sweet little boy, with the window rolled up, on a sunny, 20 degree day.


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