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Art for Adam

Adam’s room is decorated in red and white, with some adorable gingham.  I've been looking for cheap farm-themed art for the shelves, so I made these silhouettes using clipart from
I copied it into SBC+3.0, used the wand on the cut and fill ribbon to get rid of the background on the clipart, colored the clipart white, and added a heavy shadow from the format ribbon. I had some frames that my sister in law used to decorate at Adam's shower, so painted them white and put them on the decorative shelves in his room.
The website also had silhouettes of dancers, a variety of animals, fireflies and caterpillars, etc. So it could be used for almost any room! I may make some with the "plants" for my living room.

I printed these at the handy little Kodak machine in Target.  Fast, but HORRIBLE quality!  I will be reprinting them through digital.creativememories.com.
Silhouettes - Page 010
When I designed them, I used the same shade of red on each print, but IRL, the red around the turkey looks BLACK!  (Plus, my turkey, pig and sheep are too big.)
Silhouettes - Page 009
But overall, I think it’s pretty cute!

And of course, I’m linking up!   Frugalicious Friday - includes a fun giveaway!

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  1. Oh my goodness, how cute! I love how subtle the theme is and not too kidish. It's fun, but sophisticated at the same time. Very clever!

  2. These are so cute! They make a great statement together.

  3. Cute, cute, cute!!! I really like this, how sweet!

  4. Very cute. I love the red too, it makes a great decorative addition.

  5. Oooh, I love how these give nice pops of color without being too busy. So cute!

  6. Love it! You lost me on your instructions, though. I'm so not technical! I can see this is going to hinder my creativity. Maybe I need to take some classes? :)

  7. You are on a silhouette wagon right now. LOVES the red and white. That is is cool!

  8. This is fun wall art! And I love the graphic red and white combo! Thanks for sharing and for linkin' up to Frugalicious Friday!
